If any of the forefathers were alive today they would probably be ashamed of the way our politicians acted. Well first they would actually be shocked to find out what the internet is and that the slave trade had been broken up, but after that they would be sickened to see what has become of public discourse. Politicians today are tied to so many corporations and special interest groups that they are not able to truly represent the people. Though billionaire Tom Perkins jokingly suggested that the rich get more votes, it is already happening. Corporations and the industries with billions of dollars are able to lobby our government officials on every little issue and thus increase the likelihood of bills and laws being passed which reflect their interests. While this makes sense for the corporations (actually it's more than "cents", try billions of dollars), it doesn't benefit the majority of the people in the United States.
I could rant on and on, but I would just be contributing to the problem even more. We need to stop long political rants (see above or visit Bill O'Reilly's website) as they do little good other than to help divide our country more than it already is. As a young person who is going to have to live in this world for at least another day (hopefully much, much longer), I would rather talk to someone I disagree with face to face like human beings than yell at them from my soapbox while they stand on theirs. However, I realize that like Michael Jackson said,
"If you wanna make the world a better place,
Take a look at yourself, and then make a change."
This is why I will be attempting to keep this blog as open and agenda-free as possible. While it will be hard for me to hide my inner ideas of justice, equality, and the idea that we should all love and respect each other, I will try my best.